Mystery Academy is an organization that runs Summer Programs with Montgomery County Rec, Glen Echo and Arlington County Rec departments teaching Variety Arts such as Magic, Juggling, Puppetry Face Painting, Balloon Sculpture and Sketch Comedy. Serious classroom instruction accompanies magic and carnival themed games, craft projects and activities.
Ideal candidates have teaching experience or have previously been in charge of children in some capacity. Criminal Background Checks are required for Lead Teachers. Lead teachers must be CPR certified, but we will provide training and certification. Please submit resume and/or cover letter to above address. All training in the skills taught in the course will be provided. In order to be employed candidates must go through two training sessions, and attend one day of "training week" where they see how a camp is run. Camps run for every week of the summer except July 4th week. All resume's will be accepted for consideration and will be emailed back, every applicant is entitled to an interview. If you do not You must be 15 years of age to apply for an internship, or 18 to apply for a lead position. Camps run for 30 hours a week from 9AM-3PM. You are not required to work every week of the summer, you can work anywhere between one and 10 weeks and sign up for weeks that are convenient. You will be required to sign a contract for weeks that you sign up to work.
We are looking for paid Interns/Assistants throughout the summer ($125-200/wk) as well as lead teachers ($220-$320/wk).
This job is perfect for people who are looking to distinguish their resume's with serious teaching credentials, assistant teachers, Psychology and Education majors, Drama Majors, and anyone looking to have fun learning a new skill and sharpening their public speaking and teaching skills over the summer.